Konstruksi Metodologi Fiqh al-Bukhārī dan Kegagalan Pembentukan Mazhab

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Muh. Fathoni Hasyim


The popularity of al-Bukhārī as the expert of ḥadīth is indisputable; he reached his top figure; his name becomes a guarantee of his ḥadīth validity; besides, he is also well-known as the expert of Islamic law (faqīh). However, his expertise in Islamic law is often disregarded. In fact, the authority of al-Bukhārī in Islamic law reaches its peak as an absolute mujtahid (mujtahid mulaq). This phenomenon raised some questions. Firstly, is al-Bukhārī affiliated with one of the established Sunnī madhhabs? When a mujtahid has reached his absolute rank, he needs his own fiqh methodology construction, other than following another methodology. Secondly, does al-Bukhārī have his own methodology? Frankly, an absolute mujtahid has an opportunity to establish his own madhhab ordained to his name. Thirdly, why is al-Bukhārī madhhab unpopular among Sunnī madhhabs? This article found that al-Bukhārī is not affiliated to certain madhhabs, then explored the methodology formation as well as other factors underlying the failure of formation of al-Bukhārī’s madhhab.


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Fathoni Hasyim, Muh. “Konstruksi Metodologi Fiqh Al-Bukhārī Dan Kegagalan Pembentukan Mazhab”. Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman 14, no. 1 (September 1, 2019): 126-150. Accessed April 30, 2024. https://islamica.uinsby.ac.id/index.php/islamica/article/view/619.


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