The Perpetuation of Identity and Symbolic Resistance of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia after the Official Disbandment in 2017

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Inayah Rohmaniyah


The Government of Indonesia has legally revoked the legal status of the Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) organization, yet thousands of HTI members have embraced strong group identities and systematic resistance strategies. This article reveals the effectiveness of the Government’s efforts and their impact on the sustainability or discontinuity of the HTI movement. Based on qualitative data extracted from field research in Gorontalo in 2018 and the theory of identity and resistance, this article reveals the collective identity of the HTI group, models of resistance, and change of space and strategy the members made after the disbandment of the organization. The official revocation has encouraged activists to take symbolic resistance through limited religious circles on campus and in villages, the use of various socio-religious activities in the community, and a door-to-door visit. The dominant narrative of the true meaning of Islam and the discipline of the five daily prayers has made this organization remains accepted in society even though it has been formally disbanded. The pattern of perpetuating ideology, narrative and organizational idealism is carried out through integrating or transforming other organizations; returning to the previous organization which is theologically not in conflict with HTI; applying HTI thoughts and ideology in the organizations they join currently; or leaving out formally from the HTI organization and operate HTI thoughts and ideology in individual life.


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Rohmaniyah, Inayah. “The Perpetuation of Identity and Symbolic Resistance of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia After the Official Disbandment in 2017”. Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman 15, no. 2 (March 1, 2021): 159-194. Accessed April 20, 2024.


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